Some Facts

1.             Latest theory of evolution of the universe is pulsating universe theory.
2.             Total number of plants in our solar system 9.
3.             Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun.
4.             Pluto is the farthest planet to the sun.
5.             Saturn has rings around it.
6.             Jupiter is the largest planet.
7.         Spring tides are caused when sun and moon are in line in relation to the earth.
8.         The outermost halo of the sun is Corona.
9.         The sun light takes 8.3 minutes to reach the earth.
10.       70% of sun’s mass consists of Hydrogen.
11.       Mars has 2 Satellites.
12.       Saturn has 30 Satellites.
13.       Skylab was launched into space by USA in 1973.
14.       Speed of sound is 760 miles per hour.
15.       First country to launch any vehicle in space was USSR.
16.       Neil Armstrong was first man who walked on moon.
17.       Jupiter has largest numbers of satellites.
18.       Venus & Mercury has no satellite.
19.       Light year is the distance travelled by light in one year.
20.       Red Giants are stars which appear red because of their consuming a portion of their hydrogen.
21.       Lunar eclipse takes place when earth comes in between the sun and the moon.
22.       Lunar eclipse occurs on a full moon.
23.       Sun spots are regions on sun’s photosphere visible as dark patches.
24.       Asteroids are very small planets revolving round the sun.
25.       distance of earth from sun 14,80,00,000 Km.
26.       Outer surface of the sun is called Photo sphere.
27.       Temperature of sun’s Photo Sphere is 6,000°C.
28.       Rust is a disease which affects wheat and it is caused by Fungi.
 29.      Other name of Vitamin “ C “ is Ascorbic Acid.
30.       Chadwick discovered neutron.
31.       Benzene hexa chloride (B.H.C ) is used by farmers for killing harmful insects.
32.       Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
33.       Mercury in Thermo meters expands easily.
34.       Cellulose is a carbohydrate.
35.      Lightening flash and thunderbolt occur at the same time but light is seen first and sound is heard later.
36.       Diabetes is a disease of metabolism.
37.       Proper dose of hormone (insulin ) keeps Diabetes under control. if not controlled, it results in loss of weight.
38.       Altimeter is used for measuring approximate height above ground level.
39.       Evaporation of sweet on a hot day causes more cooling.
40.       Johann Gutenburg invented printing press.
41.       Arthur Compton discovered X-ray and Cosmic rays.                                                                        
42.       M Curie & Piere Curie won noble prize twice.
43.       Origin of species by means of natural selection was the work of Darwin.
44.       Diesel engine was invented by Rudolph Diesel.
45.       Gramo Phone was invented by Emile Berliner.
46.       Tele scope was invented by Galileo.
47.       Father of Homeopathy is Hahnemann.
48.       William Harvey known as father of physiology discovered blood pressure.
49.       Electroplating is coating of objects by electro deposition of metal from solution of their salts.
 50.      Heavy water is used in nuclear reactors as moderator.
51.       Hemo cytometer is used to count R.B.C and W.B.C in blood.
52.       Blood typing is a method for determining the blood group of an individual.
53.       Immunization is the method in which the cure of disease is done by Vaccine.
54.       Archimedes worked on law of floatation of bodies & principle of lever.
55.       Founder of Physical Chemistry is Arrhenius.
56.       Roger Bacon invented magnifying glass.
57.       John Logie Baird invented T.V.
58.       Insulin was isolated by a Canadian scientist Banting.
59.       Bell invented Telephone.
60.       Sodium depletion occurs in excessive sweating and cannot be corrected by drinking water alone, it may lead to Muscle cramps, loss of energy, fatigue and faintness.
61.       Iris regulates and controls the entry of light into human eye.
62.       Retina in the eye acts as a lens in camera.
63.       Heart of normal adult weighs about 300 grams.
64.       Heart pumps blood 5 liter per minute.
65.       Pathogenic term may be applied to all diseases producing micro organism.
66.       In certain diseases antibiotics are administered, object is to inhibit the growth of bacteria.
67.       Sulfa drugs are effective against diseases caused by bacteria.
68.       A substance used for destroying micro-organisms and rendering the material sterile is called An disinfectant.
69.       Bacillus causes tuberculosis.
70.       The temperature above which a substance can exist only in its gaseous state and cannot be             liquefied regardless of the magnitude of pressure exerted on it is called critical temperature.
71.       Atoms of an element having the same atomic number but different atomic weights are called isotopes.
72.       The quantity of heat that 1 gram of a substance absorbs or evolves during the change of its state at a constant temperature from solid to liquid and from liquid to saturated vapour is called latent heat.
73.       Isomerism is phenomenon in which 2 or more compounds are made up of the same number and kind of atoms but different in their properties due to different arrangements of atoms with their molecules.
74.       Isomorphism is similarity of crystalline form, indicating similar or analogous chemical composition.
75.       Allotropy is existence of an element in more then one form in the same physical state.
76.       A property of some substances of absorbing moisture from the air on exposure is called desiccation.
77.       The substance which acts both as a base and as an acid under different circumstances is called amphoteric.
78.       A mixture of concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acids in the ratio 1:3 is called aqua regia.
79.       The phenomenon in which a chemical reaction is accelerated or retarded by the mere presence of a substance which remains unchanged at the end of the reaction is called catalysis.
80.       A substance which changes readily into vapour without heating is called volatile.
81.       Chemical union of two or more molecules of the same compound to form larger molecule is called polymerization.
82.       Oxidation is addition of oxygen or removal of hydrogen.

83.       Pyrolusite is ore of manganese.
84.       Sublimation is conversion of a solid directly into vapour and its subsequent condensation without melting.
85.       The atomic state of an element as a result of chemical reaction in which it is more active than in ordinary molecular state is called nascent state.
86.       In a normal healthy body the number of red cells or erytho cytes is 50 lack/cubic millimeter.
87.       Average life of a red blood cell is 115 days.
88.       Red blood cell originates in Bone Marrow.
89.       Amount of Haemoglobin present in blood is about 15 gm per 100 ml blood and this amount is usually called 100% over 90% is considered normal.
90.       Sodium Benzoate is used as a preservative for food articles.
91.       DNA is a class of nucleic acids.
92.       Luster of diamond is due to total internal reflection.
93.       Milk in natural form has a certain amount of sugar . This is called lactose.
94.       Glucose is a source of ready energy.
95.       Cyclotron is an instrument for accelerating energies of charged particles of atom
96.       Drinker’s apparatus is used by doctors to measure the blood alcoholic content in the body of an alcoholic person.
97.       Fathomo meter is used for determining depth of oceans.
98.       Hydrophone is used to measure sound under water.
99.       Hydrometer is used to measure relative humidity in atmosphere.
100.     Megnato meter is used to compare the magnetic field and movement.
101.     Mariner’s compass is made of magnetized iron needle.
102.     Periscope is used for viewing objects lying beyond the limits of eyes of observer and whose direct vision is obstructed.
103.     Pyrheliometer is an instrument used for measuring solar radiations.
104.     Potometer is used for measuring the rate of respiration in animal and plants.
105 .     Radar(Radio detection and ranging) is a device for locating the position of aircraft flying with in range of action.
106.     Rain Gauge is used for measuring rainfall.
107.     Sextant is used to determined angular distance between 2 objects.
108.     Arterial blood pressure is measured by sphygmo manometer.
109.     Atomic pile is a nuclear reactor where the nuclear fission is made.
110.     Thresher is atomic powered submarine.
111.     Fire extinguisher contains sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate & sulphuric acid.
112.     Loudspeaker converts electrical energy to sound energy.
113.     Refrigerators work on the principle of compression and expansion of liquids.
114.     Tape recorders used an electronic tape .
115.     Dewar’s flask is also called a thermos.
116.     Atomic weights of chemical compounds are determined through mass spectroscopy.
117.     Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide.
118.     Cocci causes pneumonia.
119.     Virus causes cold.
120.     Bacillus causes cholera.
121.     Nectar & fruit juices are food chief of a male mosquito.
122.     Chief food of a house fly is decaying organic material.
123.     Chief food of mosquito larva is micro organism found in water.
124.     Rickets directly affects bone tissue.
125.     Pneumonia affects respiratory system.
126.     Rabies affects nervous system.
127.     Beri beri affects nervous system.
128.     As the amount of clay in a soil increases its water retaining capacity increases.
129.     As the number of micro organisms in a soil increases the amount of humus in the same oil increases.
130.     “ O “ blood group is a universal donor.
131.     Hemoglobin is rich in iron and is a complex protein and has great affinity for oxygen.
132.     Ptyalin is a starch digesting enzyme.
133.     Milk relatively has the highest fat content.
134.     Bile does not contain enzymes.
135.     Formic acid is used in dyeing, tanning and electroplating.
136.     Alum is used in dyeing and tanning.
137.     Acrylonitrile is used in the manufacture of plastic, rubber and artificial textile fibers.
138.     Acetone is used in the manufacture of rayon, plastics and chloroform.
139.     Terylene is synthetic textile fibers obtained by the polymerization of adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine.
140.     Diaspore, Felspar, Alurite, Zibcite and Bauxite are ores of Aluminium.
141.     Kainite is metal are of potassium.
142.     Dolomite is ore of Magnesium.
143.     Selenium is not a metal.
144.     Erbium is a metal.
145.     Mercury, Calcium and Bismuth are metals.
146.     Tellurium and carbon are Non metals.
147.     Nicotine is used for delousing poultry and as plant insecticide.
148.     Indigo which has formerly obtained from the leaves of Indigofera is now synthetically prepared from anthranillic acid.
149.     Curaine is used as paralyzing agent.
150.     Because of lesser value of “ g “ a tennis ball bounces more on hills then on plains.
151.     At high altitude, pressure is less and therefore boiling point of water is decreased.
152.     Among carbon, Rubber, Glass, and paper, the most elastic is glass.
153.     Blotting paper absorbs ink because of capillary action.
154.     The phases of the moon are partially result of revolution of the moon about the earth.
155.     Molasses are a by product of sugar industry.
156.     Photo synthesis does not increase the amount of CO₂ in the air.
157.     For softening water possessing temporary hardness , Boiling ,Filtration and distillation  processes are used.
158.     Adrenal,Pituitary and thyroid are ductless glands.
159.     Lachrymal is not ductless gland.
160.     Encephalitis is a viral disease.
161.     Natural bath sponge is known as Euspongia.
162.     Round worm, the common intestinal parasite in man is Ascaris.
163.     Tape worm of man is generally Taenia.
164.     Liver fluke biologically called Fasciola is found in liver of sheep.
165.     Earth worm is bisexual.
166.     Eyes of insects are special . This is because their eyes are compound.
167.     Silk is obtained from the cocon of silk worm.
168.     Chemical nature  of silk is protein.
169.     Head Louse transmits typhoid.
170.     Tse-tse fly transmits sleeping sickness.
171.     Enzyme found in saliva is ptylin.
172.     Fat of milk is readily digested by gastric juices.
173.     Toxic components absorbed through food are mainly detoxified by liver.
174.     Colon is mainly responsible for water absorption from the undigested residue.
175.     Vitamin concerned with vision is Vitamin A.
176.     Vitamin B1 is available in yeast.
177.     Thiamine deficiency causes beri-beri.
178.     Scurry arising due to deficiency of Vitamin C is related to gastro intestinal disorder.
179.     Mineral necessary for nervous system is sodium.
180.     Vitamin necessary for calcium metabolism in body is Vitamin D
181.     Rate of heart beat per minute is 70.
182.     Ampere is unit of flow of electric current.
183.     Unit of electric power is watt.
184.     Unit of Electromotive force is Volt.
185.     Clinical thermometer usually measure in Fahrenheit scale.
186.     Tube light emits radiation even after it is dis connected, it is due to fluorescence.
187.     Dilution of milk is measured by Lacto meter.
188.     Shortsightedness is corrected by Concave Lenses.
189.     Eye defects due to the weakening of muscles in old age are corrected by bifocal arrangements.
190.     Supersonics or Ultrasonic are sound waves of frequency above the audible limits.
191.     Transformer is a device used for changing voltage of AC.
192.     Rectifier is used for changing AC to DC.
193.     Actinometer is an instrument for measuring direct heating power of the sun.
194.     Ammeter is used for measuring current strength.
195.     Binocular is used to see the distant object magnified.
196.     Cardiograph is an instrument for measuring movements of the heart.
197.     Entomology is science that studies insects.
198.     Trachoma is a disease of eyes.
199.     Jaundice, influenza, and mumps are caused by Viruses.
200.     Sunlight, water and  CO₂ are needed for Photosynthesis.
201.     Physiology is the study of functions of the human body.
202.     Excessive intake of polished rice causes deficiency of Vitamin B
203.     White blood cells are larger in size but fewer in number than the Red Blood Cells.
204.     video cassette recorder (VCR)
205.     DVD :Digital Video Disc
206.     CD : Compact Disk